Summit Goals

The summit serves as a collaborative effort between MSU Denver and the Community College of Denver to strengthen pathways for student transfer, enhance post-graduate outcomes and align institutional goals to address Colorado’s workforce needs.

Download the full Transfer Summit program (pdf).

Key Agenda Highlights

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Opening Remarks and Student Panel

Presidents and student panelists will establish the tone of the summit, emphasizing the centrality of student voices in institutional decision-making.

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National Perspective

Insights from Josh Wyner (Aspen Institute) on trends in higher education and workforce alignment.

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Innovative Models

Presentation by Jason Dodge (Partnership for Education Advancement) on effective transfer models, providing actionable frameworks for MSU Denver and CCD collaboration.

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Concurrent Sessions

Focused discussions on transfer pathways, workforce development, and data utilization, led by institutional leaders and experts.

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Joint Vision Statement Signing Ceremony

A public commitment by the Presidents to formalize goals and ensure accountability for ongoing collaboration and progress.

Expected Impact

Workforce Development: Both institutions will better align with state workforce demands, leveraging the C2 Hub and other initiatives to serve as a talent pipeline for Colorado.

Improved Student Success: Streamlined pathways for transfer students, leading to higher retention, graduation, and post-graduate success rates.

Institutional Reputation: Positioning MSU Denver and CCD as leaders in transfer innovation and collaborative higher education models.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to provide a high-quality, seamless experience for students shared by the Community College of Denver (CCD) and Metropolitan State University of Denver. To realize this vision, we will establish a transformative partnership between CCD and MSU Denver that is both an extension of best practices for public institutions across the country and an implementation of the vision that created our Auraria campus. The state of Colorado strategically placed the Community College of Denver and Metropolitan State University of Denver on the same physical campus to create a shared community.

This shared space and mission alignment allows our institutions to focus on efficiently delivering academic excellence and student support services, from non-credit offerings through bachelor’s degrees and beyond, that align to the labor market needs of our community. Our partnership aims to break down barriers to higher education and to empower students from diverse backgrounds to transition seamlessly between CCD and MSU Denver. Our joint goal is to foster a culture of academic excellence, inclusivity, and opportunity for Colorado students seeking economic mobility through higher education.

Full Vision Statement (pdf)


Concurrent Session Descriptions

Address & Map

Hosted by Community College of Denver – Confluence Building, located nearest to Holly Parking Lot

800 Curtis Street, Denver, CO 80204

Auraria Campus General Map; a aerial illustration of campus buildings

Campus map (pdf)

Parking map (pdf) 

Anticipated Outcomes

1. Enhanced Collaboration

A strengthened sense of partnership and shared vision between institutions to better serve transfer students.

2. Actionable Strategies

Clear next steps and actionable goals for advancing transfer pathways, workforce alignment, and data-informed decision-making.

3. Community Buy-In

Engagement and commitment from senior leaders, faculty, staff, and community partners to carry forward the summit’s objectives.

4. Student-Centered Policies

Greater emphasis on reducing barriers for cross-enrollment and transfer students, with policies that prioritize efficiency and accessibility.

Summit Point of Contact

Brian Guerrero

Associate to the Vice President of Student Affairs, MSU Denver
